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Evo Must: unfiltered oil

The unfiltered oil obtained from the first pressing, as it flows from the centrifugal separator, is called must.

Its color appears cloudy and viscous, since it is not subjected to filtration, it does not remain fluid on the palate, but rather pasty.

The term “must” was very popular in past times in Liguria, today its notoriety has dropped but it is a habit that resists and is still appreciated by many consumers. The filtered oil differs from the must due to its transparency and clarity.
A sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, which is a typical characteristic of must oil. The bottom is often made up of mucilage and pulp particles. It is normal to find it even a few months after bottling.

The must oil must be consumed within a few months to ensure that its freshness and fragrance remain intact on our palate.

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