Ligurian extra virgin olive oils are among the most versatile and combinable oils in circulation, and consequently, the least complicated to use.
For the oil of the Ligurian Riviera, there is a Protected Designation of Origin throughout the riviera arc, to protect our olive-growing heritage, with three additional geographical indications.
For the province of Imperia there is the mention “Riviera dei Fiori”, where the varietal predominance of the Taggiasca olive is in force; For the province of Savona, the mention “Riviera del Ponente Savonese” with oils obtained largely from Taggiasca olives, at least 50%. Other varieties present in olive groves may also contribute to an extent not exceeding 50%; finally there is the mention “Riviera di Levante“, which covers the provinces of Genoa and La Spezia, with olive groves cultivated with the lavagnina, razzola, pignola varieties and the local oil mill for at least 55%.
All three additional geographical mentions, however, have points in common, which distinguish them from many other cultivars:
light and medium light fruity
the refined sensation of almond
sweet mouth note
mild bitter and spicy
In case of pressing of the olives still green, therefore not very ripe, the points in common that will be had are:
medium fruity
the refined sensation of almond
sweet note in the mouth
medium bitter and spicy
Oil obtained from olives of the Taggiasca variety for at least 90%.
This oil has a light yellow color with greenish shades; the nose perceives light or medium light fruity aromas, fresh, clean with hints of olive and almond; on the palate it is soft and delicate, fluid, with an artichoke taste with balanced bitter and spicy characteristics; in closing we find hints of apple and a hint of spicy.
Oil obtained from olives of the Taggiasca variety for at least 50%.
This oil has a yellow color with slight greenish hues; light or medium-light fruity aromas are perceived on the nose, which refer to olives and various vegetables. On the palate it is delicate and soft, fluid, with different spicy and bitter notes. In closing we find hints of pine nut, almond and apple, and in closing a slight hint of spicy.
Oil obtained from the milling of olives belonging to the following olive varieties, present, alone or jointly, in the olive groves: Lavagnina, Razzola, Pignola and local native cultivars for at least 65%. The oil has a golden yellow color with green reflections; on the nose we discover light or medium fruity aromas, with vegetal hints of artichoke; velvety and harmonious, with a persistent and progressive spicy hint; in closing, green almond and wild herbs.
For more information on this, consult the specification of the D.O.P. Riviera Ligure, or the site of the protection consortium accessible from here