In Le olive taggiasche

The famous and renowned Taggiasca olive

Historically also called Tagliasca, Pignola d’Oneglia, Giuggiolina, it is, to date, the most famous edible olive on the market.
Its strength lies in its versatility, being at the same time a table olive, which can be presented in brine, pitted or in the form of olive pate or, expressing all its potential and its richness if transformed into extra virgin olive oil.

It is the most widespread cultivar throughout the region

98% of the oil produced in Liguria is obtained from Taggiasca olives.
The Taggiasca olive is a late-ripening and non-simultaneous variety, which makes it harvestable until late winter.

The oil obtained from the taggiasca

It has a color between straw yellow and light gold, with a delicate and intense aroma and an extraordinary delicacy on the palate, with intense aromas of almond and pine nut.
The Taggiasca quality has always met the favor of Ligurian farmers not only because it has a higher oil yield than other Ligurian cultivars (from 22 to 26%), but also because it provides an exquisite and delicate oil, which meets the favor of most.
The only defect that can be attributed to the Taggiasca olive is that it is an easy prey of the “oil fly” and more subject to atmospheric vicissitudes than other cultivars, in particular cold temperatures.

oliva taggiasca

The Taggiasca olive tree

It can reach, if not pruned, even 12/13 meters in height, with very branched foliage. It loves exposure at noon.
The branches are divergent and curved, the twigs have a tendency to assume a pendulous appearance as a result of the weight of the fruit, hence the name of “pendane”.
The fruit, called the olive drupe, is oblong, medium-small in size with a thin skin with countless shades of color.
It has recently been calculated that thirteen working days are required to plant a Taggiasco olive tree in Liguria, including: construction of a retaining wall, excavation of stones, transport of the material, processing and preparation of the soil.

oliva atggiasca

The Taggiasca olive is measured with special parameters

The Taggiasca olive is still measured today with special parameters, not used in other parts of Italy, which once again makes it unique:

“The fourth” which corresponds to 12.5 kg of olives
“Lo bushel” which corresponds to two quarts, that is 25 kg of olives
“The gombata” which corresponds to ten quarts, that is 125 kg of olives

For the first time in 1997 a defense of the oil produced from this wonderful olive was obtained, with the establishment of the Protected Designation of Origin linked to the production of Taggiasca extra virgin olive oil, called DOP Riviera Ligure Riviera dei Fiori.
Liguria therefore boasts, to date, the distinction of being the first region in Italy to have obtained European recognition of protected designation of origin (D.O.P.) for its oil production.

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